Lot Archive


№ 534


30 June 1998

Hammer Price:

A Second World War I.D.S.M. awarded to Company Quarter Master Havildar Khan Bahadur, 1-2 Punjab Regiment

Indian Distinguished Service Medal, G.VI.R.
(10177 C.Q.M.Hav., 1-2 Punjab R.) complete with top suspension brooch, very fine £200-250

I.D.S.M. London Gazette 28 June 1945. The following details are taken from the official recommendation: ‘During the actions in which the Bn. has taken part in the past three months this N.C.O. was CQMH of a rifle coy. Throughout he has been conspicuous by his ability to get ammunition and rations up to his coy despite enemy shelling and small arms fire on the darkest night and in the most bitter weather.

On one occasion he took his mules through a minefield which had been laid across the only route of approach. On another occasion he and his muletrain were machine gunned and bombed by air attack when all but five of his thirty-four mules were killed, while fifteen of his party became casualties. Undeterred he went straight back to the reserve coy area to collect fresh mules which he personally led forward some two miles to his coy area. But for the exceptional bravery and resource of this N.C.O. his coy might have been without ammunition and food for the next twenty four hours.

The courage, steadfastness of purpose and unflagging devotion to duty of this N.C.O. often during exceptionally adverse climatic conditions have done much to assist in the successes achieved by his coy and have largely contributed to the fitness and high morale of all ranks.’

The 1/2nd Punjab Regiment formed part of 20 Brigade, 10 Indian Division, 5 Corps.