

The Troopie maquette consigned to Noonans’ 13 September auction. 

29 August 2023


The tactical warfare methods developed by a relatively short-lived regiment provided vital lessons in counter insurgency and anti-terrorism operations across the world.

Now the lasting symbol of that regiment, The First Battalion, The Rhodesian Light Infantry, stands in the grounds of Hatfield House in Hertfordshire, while a preparatory maquette for it comes to auction at Noonans in this sale.


The maquette – Troopie, as it is known – has been consigned by the family of the last commanding officer of the Regiment, Lt-Col J.C.W. ‘Charlie’ Aust, to whom it was presented in recognition of his leadership and unswerving dedication to the Battalion.

The First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry was founded in 1961 in Bulawayo and moved to the Cranborne Barracks in Salisbury (now Harare) a year later. It became part of the Southern Rhodesian Army in 1964 before being reformed almost immediately into a commando battalion.

When prime minister Ian Smith declared Rhodesian independence in November 1965, the Bush War fought over control of the country had already been prosecuted for over a year. Smith’s minority-led government forces, which were not recognised internationally, found themselves up against the military wing of Mugabe’s Zimbabwe African National Union and the Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army under Joshua Nkomo.

By the time the future direction of the country was settled with the Lancaster House agreement in December 1979, Smith had been replaced by Bishop Abel Muzorewa, and the ensuing elections swept Mugabe to power in April 1980.

During the 15-plus years of conflict before it was disbanded in October 1980, the RLI had played a vital role, chiefly in putting down the counterinsurgency and ultimately serving under the Zimbabwe Rhodesia government in 1979, and then the new Mugabe government in 1980.

The nature of the war meant that many of the RLI’s actions had to be launched from the air, and in 1976 it became a parachute regiment. Its experience and effectiveness in counter-insurgent operations later provided vital lessons in tactics and planning for anti-terrorism forces across the world.

In its almost 20 years of service, the RLI suffered around 100 men killed in action, 85 of whom are listed on the Regimental Association’s Roll of Honour as being lost between March 1968 and December 1979.

It was to the memory of these fallen that the Regiment decided to commission what was to become ‘The Trooper’ or Troopie
– a name given RLI servicemen by the Rhodesian media – a bronze of a standing RLI soldier.

Co-ordinated by the RLI Association, whose supporters helped raise public funds to finance the project, the commission went to soldier and artist Captain Mike Blackman, then the editor of the Association magazine The Cheetah.

The Captain had to work quickly in order to ensure that the statue could be cast and in position for Regimental Day 1979 at Cranborne Barracks. And it was – an especially important achievement bearing in mind that with the handing over of power to President Robert Mugabe in 1980, Troopie was to survive for only one more Regimental Day in place.

After independence in 1980 Lt-Col Aust was very aware of the sensitivity of The Troopie and with a small select team dismantled the statue and it was clandestinely spirited out of the country.

In October of that year, the RLI under the command of Lt-Col Aust was disbanded. At the final parade the Regimental Colours were laid to rest and taken for safekeeping to the Salisbury Cathedral, and after 20 years the undefeated Battalion marched into history.

Some time later, the statue was transferred to the British Empire and Commonwealth Museum in Bristol, England. Eventually, the Marquis of Salisbury offered the grounds of his estate at Hatfield House in Hertfordshire as a permanent home for The Troopie. Lord Salisbury had a close connection with the RLI as his brother, the journalist Richard Cecil, had been killed while reporting alongside them on the Bush War in 1978, aged just 30.

Troopie remains in the grounds of Hatfield House to this day, having been rededicated in 2008.

The full-size Troopie was not the only survivor over the years. Also treasured since the disbanding of the Regiment was the original maquette of the statue cast by the bronze founder Fiorini. In October 1980 this was presented to Lt-Col. Aust by the Rhodesian Light Infantry Regimental Association in appreciation and recognition of his leadership and unswerving loyalty to the Battalion.

Lt-Col Aust’s family were among the original Rhodesian settlers who arrived in the country in 1892, and his personal heritage was embedded in the country. Regrettably, after losing his farm in 2001, he left his beloved country and was never to return.

Now his family have consigned the Troopie maquette for sale in Noonans’ Orders, Decorations, Medals & Militaria auction on 13 September.

The estimate is £3,000-5,000.

• Film of the final Regimental Parade and the laying up of the Colours:

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