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№ 194


17 November 2020

Hammer Price:

17th Century Tokens, OXFORDSHIRE, Oxford, George Bishop, Farthing, 1668, 0.87g/12h (N 3682; BW. 120); Joh. Bishop, Farthing, 1657, 0.83g/12h (N 3747; BW. 121); Humphry Bodicott, Farthing, 0.88g/6h (N 3683; BW. 124); Thomas Combes, Farthing, 0.95g/6h (N 3772; BW. 129); Tho. Higgs, Farthing, 0.91g/12h (N 3763; BW. 141); Seth Ireland, Farthing, 1.16g/6h (N 3751; BW. 148); Hugh Lambe, Farthing, 1668, 0.82g/6h (N 3703; BW. 152); Alce Lant, Farthing, 1667, 0.62g/12h (N 3705; BW. 153); Will Morrell, Farthing, 1.28g/9h (N 3745; BW. 156); Nich. Orum, Farthing, 1659, 1.23g/9h (N 3709; BW. 158); John Tey, Farthing, 0.80g/12h (N 3742; BW. 172); Robert White, Farthing, 1657, 0.74g/3h (N 3737; BW. 183) [12]. N 3683, 3709, 3737, 3751 and 3772 very fine, others fine and better £150-£200

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Collection of British Tokens formed by John Rose.

View The Collection of British Tokens formed by John Rose


Provenance: N 3682 and 3772 bt Seaby 1975; N *3683 and 3737 bt A.C. Eimer 1975; N 3703 and 3745 bt Baldwin 1980; N 3705 bt F. Hancock 1984; N 3709 bt 1974; N 3742 bt E. Evans 1979; N 3747 bt Spink 1990; N 3751 bt Cutler Street Market 1976; N 3763 bt 1987