Auction Catalogue

17th Century Tokens, SOUTHWARK, Pickle Herring Stairs, Edward Brent, Halfpence, 1668 (2), 2.98g/6h, and with edge hammered up, 4.24g/3h (E 775; N 4995; BW. 340); R.A.G. the woodmongrs arm, Farthing, 1.07g/6h (E 777; N 5000; BW. 343); James Holland, Halfpenny, 1668, 2.01g/12h (E 779; N 4997; BW. 344); Thomas Huthinsonn, Halfpenny, 1.61g/6h (E 780; N 4998; BW. 346) [5]. First good fine, second fine, others very fine and E 777 with ‘river’ patina, last three all superior to the Everson plate pieces £150-£200
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Collection of British Tokens formed by John Rose.
Provenance: E 775 at 4.24g bt Spink 1976; E 775 at 2.98g bt York Coin Fair 1988; E 777 bt Baldwin 1990; *E 779 bt Spink 1993; E 780 bt Seaby 1983
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