Special Collections

Sold on 17 September 1999

1 part


The Massie Collection of Medals to the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Alec Massie


№ 694


17 September 1999

Hammer Price:

Three: Lieutenant-Colonel D. A. Carden, commanding 7th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, late Seaforth Highlanders, died of wounds near Ypres in May 1915
Queen’s Sudan 1896-98 (2/Lieut., 1/Sea. Hrs.); India General Service 1908-35, 1 clasp, North West Frontier 1908 (Captn., 1st Bn. Sea. Highrs.); Khedive’s Sudan 1896-1908, 2 clasps, The Atbara, Khartoum (Lieut., 1st Sea. Highrs.) very fine and better (3) £400-500

Derrick Alfred Carden was born on 27 March 1875, son of Sir John Carden, 4th Baronet of Templemore, Ireland. He was first commissioned into the Seaforth Highlanders on 7 December 1895. He served during the occupation of Crete in 1897, and in the Soudan Campaign in 1898, being present at the battles of the Atbara and Khartoum. He next served in India and took part in the punitive expeditions against the Zakka Kels Afridis and against the Mohmands, on the North West Frontier in 1908. He was serving with the 2nd Seaforth’s at the outbreak of the Great War and went with the battalion to France, arriving there on 25 August 1914. He was wounded at the battle of the Aisne in September 1914 and invalided home. He returned to the Front in December 1914, was promoted to Major on 23 May 1915, and given command of the 7th Argylls with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. He died of wounds received in action near Ypres on the 25th May 1915, only a few days after taking command of the 7th Argylls. He was aged 40 and is buried in Hazebruck Communal Cemetery, France.