Special Collections

FRANCE, Salut au Soleil, 1899, a bronze plaque by G. Dupré, 64 x 50mm (Maier 188; PBE 424; CGMP p.169; Jones, Art of the Medal, 337; BDM I, 653; cf. DNW 173, 495); Exposition Universelle Internationale, Paris, 1900, a bronze medal by J.-B. Daniel-Dupuis, 50mm (PBE 317; CGMP pp.172-3; BDM I, 666; Coll. R. Marx 310; cf. DNW 147, 1890) [2]. Very fine, first with loop for suspension, second with remains of inked inscription on obverse £30-£50
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, A Collection of European Art Medals.
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