Lot Archive
One Pound (46), all 1980-4, AN01, AN52, AN72 (2), AR69, AR83, AS07, AT38, AU19, AW34, AX05, AY28, AZ30, AZ63, AZ72, BN73, BR61, BS42, BT39, BU23, BW02, BX35, BY61, BZ59, BZ62, CN45, CR28, CS75, CT10, CU23, CW13, CW51, CX47, CY07, CZ26, CZ71, CZ72, DN01, DR71, DS76, DU02, DU54, DW13, DW63, DX59 and DY01 prefixes (Dugg. B341) [46]. First uncirculated, others good extremely fine to uncirculated; a full set of prefixes for the final One Pound note issue (£100-150)
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Peter de Micheli Collection of Bank of England and Treasury Notes.
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