Lot Archive


№ 661


25 September 2008

Hammer Price:

A Great War ‘Western Front’ M.M. awarded to Sergeant C. Dickens, 20th Battalion, London Regiment

Military Medal, G.V.R. (630570 Sjt., 20/Lond. R.) sometime laquered, otherwise very fine £250-300

M.M. London Gazette 23 July 1919.

Charles Dickens is mentioned several times in the Battalion History, including the fact that he was wounded whilst serving on the Western Front, prior to proceeding with his regiment to Palestine where he was mentioned for gallantry during the Battle of Sheria on 6/7 November 1917: ‘A rush was made by ‘C’ Company under the gallant leadership of Captain Hearn, Sergeant EG Oliver, Corporal C Dickens and other officers and N.C.O’s. for the ‘Pimple’ which was surrounded and the complete garrison of a Battalion Commander, three other officers and 71 men were captured. A large number of Turkish dead found in the position afterwards had in many cases been killed at the point of the bayonet.’ In a list of casualties given at the end of this chapter, Sergeant Dickens name is again mentioned as being wounded and his Military Medal is confirmed as being awarded for gallantry whilst serving back on the Western Front during three days of severe fighting near Cambrai in October 1918.