Lot Archive


№ 486


5 December 2008

Hammer Price:

Moorsom, W.S., Historical Record of the Fifty-Second Regiment (Oxfordshire Light Infantry) from…1755 to…1858, 2nd edn, London, 1860, xvii + 455pp; Markham, C.A., The History of the Northamptonshire & Rutland Militia…1756 to 1919, London, 1924, viii + 224pp, ALSs to Markham from Stopford Sackville, the 11th Duke of Bedford, Hugh Hole and others pasted-in, together with a copy of the publisher’s circular, a good portrait photograph of the author and relevant newspaper cuttings; Gurney, R., History of The Northamptonshire Regiment 1742-1934, Aldershot, 1935, xvii + 464pp, half morocco, ribbed spine, all edges gilt, back cover detached; Neville, J.E.H., History of the 43rd and 52nd (Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire) Light Infantry in the Great War, 1914-1919, vol. I, Aldershot, 1938, xxi + 461pp [4]. Publishers’ bindings £40-60

First ex libris J. Pocklington Senhouse, with his bookplate
Second ex libris Ernest J. Martin, with his bookplate
Third ex libris Col. T.S. Muirhead, June 1935, with presentation bookplate from Lt-General Harry Knox, Col. of the Regiment
Fourth ex libris R.M. Burrell, with his bookplate