Lot Archive


№ 555


31 May 1995

Estimate: £80–£100

1820. France. Assassination of Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berry, bronze portrait medals (4): by Gayrard (2), 5lmm and 41mm; by Caqué, 38mm; by Gayrard and Droz, 35mm [4]. Third extremely fine, others very fine or a little better, second with a few spots of discolouration (£80-100)

Charles Ferdinand (1778-1820), second son of the Comte d'Artois (later to become Charles X). In 1792 he fled into exile with his father, and fought with him under Condé against revolutionary France. He returned to France becoming commander of the troops in and around Paris in 1816. He was assassinated in 1820 outside the Opera by the fanatic Louvel.