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№ 894


23 September 2011

Hammer Price:

A Second World War C.B.E. group of five awarded to Colonel R. L. Preston, Coldstream Guards, a founding officer of the R.A.F. Regiment and later Vice-Chairman of the Royal Aero Club

The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, C.B.E. (Military) Commander’s 2nd type neck badge, silver-gilt and enamels, in its DS&S case of issue; 1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star; Defence and War Medals, with M.I.D. oak leaf, mounted as worn, together with related mounted group of six miniatures, also including Coronation 1953, very fine (11)

C.B.E. London Gazette 11 October 1945: Colonel (temporary) Rupert Lionel Preston, Coldstream Guards.

London Gazette 22 March 1945.

The recommendation for the C.B.E. (Military) states: T/Colonel Rupert Lionel Preston, Coldm. Gds., No. 83 Group, 2nd T.A.F. ‘Col. Preston has been the senior R.A.F. Regiment Officer in this Group since his appointment in March 1943. During the long period of preparation for the invasion he was untiring in his efforts to train R.A.F. Regiment personnel for the arduous duties it was expected they would be called upon to perform and to ensure the adequate training of R.A.F. personnel in such defence measures as concerned them. He never allowed his enthusiasm for this work to flag in spite of many unavoidable changes in policy and equipment.

He arrived on the Continent on D+1 [7 June 1945] and immediately by personal visits got in touch with the leading elements of the R.A.F. Regiment then ashore. This enabled him at a time when communications were extremely difficult to redispose his units to the best advantage in the light of events and the casualties which had occurred, while at the same time giving confidence to the units ashore by moving amongst them.

Since then he has continued with unabated enthusiasm to adjust the employment of the R.A.F. Regiment within this Group in accordance with ever changing conditions and the policy [handed] down from time to time. He has never failed to seize the opportunity for his units to gain battle experience in the front line and whenever so engaged he has always visited those units and remained with them sufficiently long to enable him to judge for himself as to their efficiency in the face of the enemy....’

Rupert Lionel Preston was born on 1 November 1902, son of Admiral Sir Lionel Preston, K.C.B., Royal Navy. He was educated at Cheltenham College and served with the Coldstream Guards, 1924-45; Assistant Provost Marshal, London, 1938-40; 11 Group R.A.F. Defence Officer, 1940-43; commanded R.A.F. Regiment, 83 Group, R.A.F., 1943-45 (despatches 1945); Member of the Council of Air Registration Boards, 1946-65; Vice-President, Federation Aeronautique International, 1961-64; Vice-Patron, Guards Flying Club,; Hon. Member Society of Licensed Aeronautical Engineers; Silver Medal of Royal Aero Club 1964. Secretary General, Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom, 1945-63; Vice-Chairman, Royal Aero Club, 1970. Author of
How to Become an Airline Pilot, 1930. Colonel Preston died on 2 November 1982.

See Lots 348, 404, 450 and 736 for related family medals.

Sold with original 'Buckingham Place' letter addressed to 'Captain R. L. Preston, 1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards', reading: 'I wish to pace on record my gratitude to you for the part which you took in the vigil over my Father in Westminster Hall, from the 23rd to 28th January, 1936' (signed) 'Edward R I'. With original envelope addressed to 'Captain R. L. Preston, 1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards' and additionally, '17, Coulson Street, London. S.W.3'