Lot Archive
17th Century Tokens, Deptford, William Archer, Halfpenny, 1665, 1.62g/12h (N –; BW. 164); Gregory Bumpsted, Farthing, 1656, 0.94g/6h (N –; BW. 166); Mathew Jesson, Farthing, 0.93g/3h (N 2503; BW. 181); N.D.L. at the kings head, Farthing, 1649, 1.20g/6h (dies not in N; BW. 184); Richard Mansfeild, Halfpenny, 1665, 2.34g/9h (N 2495; BW. 186); William Stone, Farthing, 1652, 0.58g/6h (N 2496; BW. 191); James Watters, Halfpenny, 1.63g/6h (N 2497; BW. 195) [7]. BW. 184 and 186 fine, others generally fair, BW. 164 rare
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Peter Mann Collection of Kent Tokens.
Provenance: BW. 164 and 166 bt August 1960; BW. 181 bt February 2005; BW. *184 and 186 bt July 1954; BW. 191 bt February 2008; BW. 195 bt September 1959.
James Watters, mealman
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