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№ 320


2 October 2013

Hammer Price:

17th Century Tokens, Nottinghamshire, Mansfield, William Hurst, Halfpenny, 1667, 1.12g/12h (PMP 17; N 3501; BW. 15), John Willd, Farthing, 1666, 1.54g/12h (PMP 23; N –; BW. 21), Robert Wood, Halfpenny, 1667, 2.39g/3h (PMP 28; N 3508; BW. 26); Newark, Christo[pher] Burnett, Halfpenny, [16]68, 1.53g/6h (PMP 31; N 3510, this piece; BW. 30), Joshua Clarke, Halfpenny, 1666, 1.88g/12h (PMP 33; N 3512b, this piece; BW. 32), Will Glover, Halfpenny, 1664, 1.80g/12h (PMP 38; N 3514, this piece; BW. 36), Mathew Newham, Farthing, 1657, 1.95g/12h (PMP 43; N 3516a, this piece; BW. 40), Robert Willson, Farthing, 1.12g/6h (PMP 52; N 3519, this piece; BW. 48) [8]. PMP 17 and 38 mediocre, others about fine and better £120-150

Provenance: PMP 17 bt Seaby 1986; PMP 23 SCMB July-August 1986 (M 210); *PMP 28 R.A. Shuttlewood Collection (privately); PMP 31, 38 and 52 R.A. Nott Collection, Norweb Collection, Spink Auction 104, 6 July 1994, lot 358 (part); PMP 33 and 43 Norweb Collection, Spink Auction 104, 6 July 1994, lot 358 (part) [from Baldwin].

William Hurst (†1700), carrier; John Wild, grocer; Christopher Burnett, sadler; Joshua Clarke, mercer; Will Glover, chandler; Mathew Newham, mercer, mayor 1656; Robert Wilson, mercer, mayor 1650