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№ 29


22 July 2016

Hammer Price:

The unique ‘Palestine 1939’ D.C.M. group of six awarded to Company Sergeant Major (later Captain) Walter Webb, 2nd Battalion, The Queen's Royal Regiment, who received his award for gallantry during the attack on Abu Salami on 23 May 1939 after his Company Commander had been killed

Distinguished Conduct Medal, G.VI.R. (6079895 W.O.Cl.II. W. Webb. The Queen's R.); General Service 1918-62, 1 clasp, Palestine (6079895 W.O.Cl.2. W. Webb. The. Queen's. R.) this with official correction to last four digits of regimental number; 1939-45 Star; Defence and War Medals; Regular Army L.S. & G.C., G.VI.R. (6079895 W.O.Cl.II. W. Webb. The Queen's R) very fine and better (6) £5000-6000

D.C.M. London Gazette 14 July 1939.

'During the attack on Abu Salami on 23 May 1939, "C" Company, H.Q. was suddenly fired on from close range in thick country and the Company Commander was killed. Company Sergeant Major Webb at once took charge and organised the fire which disposed of the three enemy who had killed the Company Commander. Almost at the same time the only other Officer in the Company was wounded. Company Sergeant Major Webb was left in sole command of the Company for the rest of the action.

He collected a party of men and led them himself round the left flank to a position from which he was able to direct fire which enabled the remainder to advance over the crest of the hill. All the time he was himself under heavy fire. The promptness with which he assumed command of the Company, his complete disregard for his personal safety, and his coolness under heavy fire, not only proved a steadying influence on the men and a magnificent example; but also was largely responsible for the successful capture of the enemy position.

This is not the first time that Company Sergeant Major Webb has distinguished himself. Ever since his arrival in Palestine this Warrant Officer has been conspicuous for his leadership and example to all ranks at all times.'

Just two awards of the D.C.M. were gazetted during 1939, the other being for an action on the North West Frontier.

Sold with five copied photographs of recipient and extensive copied service papers.