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№ 687


1 March 2018

Hammer Price:

A Great War 1917 ‘French theatre’ D.C.M. awarded to Regimental Sergeant Major J. Mitchell, 8th (Service) Battalion, Royal Highlanders, who was subsequently awarded the M.C. for services during the German Spring Offensive of 1918, and wounded in action, 23 March 1918

Distinguished Conduct Medal, G.V.R. (9497 Sjt: J. Mitchell. 8/R. Hdrs) darkly toned, good very fine £700-900

M.C. London Gazette 23 April 1918:

‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When the battalion on the left was held up by heavy machine-gun fire from a strong enemy “pill-box”, which held about 100 of the enemy, he made a most determined attempt to capture it with a small party. He only desisted in the attempt when all the party had become casualties.’

London Gazette 1 January 1917 (details appearing in the London Gazette 13 February 1917):

‘For conspicuous gallantry in action. He greatly assisted in leading his company to their objective. later, he displayed great courage and initiative during any enemy counter-attack.’

John Mitchell served during the Great War with the 1st Battalion, Royal Highlanders in the French theatre of war from 13 August 1914. He transferred to the 8th (Service) Battalion, and served with them as Company Sergeant Major, ‘D’ Company, in France from May 1915. Mitchell advanced to Regimental Sergeant Major, and the Battalion served on the Somme from 1 July 1916 onwards. They were engaged in the battles of Arras, Passchendaele and during the German Spring Offensive from March 1918. Mitchell was wounded in action, 23 March 1918.