Lot Archive


№ 688


25 March 1997

Hammer Price:

A Second World War Syrian campaign M.M. group of four awarded to Colour Sergeant F. J. Harris, Royal Fusiliers

Military Medal, G.VI.R. (6458234 C/Sjt. F. J. Harris, R.Fus.); 1939-45 Star; Africa Star; War Medal, nearly extremely fine (4)

M.M. London Gazette 30 December 1941.

‘At KUNEITRA (Syria) on 16th June 1941, Col Sgt Harris collected grenades and assisted Sgt Mitchell to hunt tanks which had forced a way into the village. Later he established a Bren gun, which he had salvaged, in a window of Company Headquarters, and maintained it until ordered to retire to a new position in the Battn HQ area. Throughout the day he set a fine example to all around him by his continuous aggressive spirit. Later in the day when the remainder of the Battn were forced to surrender, Col Sgt Harris made good his escape.’