Lot Archive


№ 692


25 March 1997

Hammer Price:

A Second World War M.M. for Italy awarded to Lance Sergeant S. H. Tyrie, 2nd Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)

Military Medal, G.VI.R. (3251189 L.Sjt. S. H. Tyrie, Cameronians) extremely fine

M.M. London Gazette 21 September 1944.

‘On the 31st May 1944 during the early stages of the advance on ROME L/Sjt Tyrie was detailed to lead a patrol to discover the positions being held by the enemy and the best line of approach for the attack on a feature known as HILL 51. During his patrol L/Sjt Tyrie had to cross open ground and while doing so was caught in the open by heavy machine-gun fire. Heedless of his own personal safety he led his patrol forward and eventually reached cover. From this covered position he went forward again at great personal risk to discover more exactly the location of the enemy positions. When this had been done he decided to leave his patrol under cover watching the enemy and to return, himself, across the open machine-gun swept ground to give the necessary information about the enemy and to receive further orders about his patrol. He safely got back the information to his Coy Commander, received his orders and rejoined his patrol, then under cover of artillery fire he was enabled to lead his patrol back as ordered by his Coy Commander. By thus crossing the open ground on three different occasions under heavy fire and by the leadership of his patrol, L/Sjt Tyrie enabled most useful information about enemy dispositions to be brought back. His skilful leadership and determination in the face of heavy fire is deserving of the highest praise.’