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№ 146


5 June 2019

Hammer Price:

Æthelred II (978-1016), Cut Halfpenny, Long Cross type, Shrewsbury, Osweald, [——] mωo scro, 0.89g/3h (N 774; S 1151); cut Halfpenny, Last Small Cross type, Hereford, Leofmær, [—] vmarh o[——], 0.74g/3h (N 777; S 1154) [2]. Second slightly cracked, otherwise both very fine and rare £100-£150

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Terence Maudlin Collection of English Hammered Pennies.

View The Terence Maudlin Collection of English Hammered Pennies


Provenance: First found at Caister-on-Sea (Norfolk), c. 2013 (EMC 2013.0087); second bt J. Mann March 2018