Lot Archive


№ 391


8 December 1994

Hammer Price:

Three: Petty Officer D.J. Wilkinson, Royal Navy
Naval General Service 1915-62, 2 clasps, Near East, B. & M. Clearance Mediterranean (D/J. 949111, J. Smn. 1., R.N.); Campaign Service 1962, 1 clasp, Malay Peninsula (Ldg. Sea., R.N.); Naval L.S. & G.C., E.II.R., 2nd type (P.O., H.M.S. Pembroke) light contact marks, otherwise good very fine and very rare (3)

Approximately 60 clasps issued for Bomb and Mine Clearance in the Mediterranean, January 1953-December 1960. The clasp was awarded not only to the Fleet Clearance Diving Team but also to a number of men of the seaman branch who were employed in small craft moving recovered, but still hazardous, bombs and mines to places of safety for their final disposal.