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25 September 2019

Hammer Price:

A Great War ‘Western Front’ M.C. group of three awarded to Second Lieutenant H. F. Wheeler, Hampshire Regiment, late Hampshire Yeomanry, for gallantry in attacking an enemy Machine Gun post in November 1918

Military Cross, G.V.R., the reverse contemporarily engraved ‘Lt H. F. Wheeler Awarded for gallantry in action at Queene Au Loup Oct 1918’; British War and Victory Medals (10055 Sgt. H. Wheeler. Hamps. Yeo.) nearly extremely fine (3) £600-£800

M.C. London Gazette 10 December 1919:
‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on 6th November, 1918, near Le Timon. When his company was held up by machine-guns from both front and flank, he made a personal reconnaissance, and then with great dash attacked the post, capturing the gun and killing the crew. Throughout the day his energy and example encouraged the men to push the attack home.’

Harold Frederick Wheeler is noted on his Medal Index Card as 100055 Sergeant Hampshire Yeomanry, 204643 Hampshire Regiment, and 2/Lieut, with a sub note that he was Commissioned 28 May 1918. One would expect Wheeler to have his Officer rank on his medals but it looks like his Officer rank and note on Commission date have been added at a later date as it is in a slighter lighter blue ink. This may be down to confusion between the recipient and Henry Gould Wheeler who was commissioned from the Hampshire Yeomanry in October 1918, indeed both men’s Medal Index Cards have note not to be confused with the other! Regardless, his campaign medals are both entirely as issued.

When Wheeler left the Hampshire Yeomanry is not known, however the 2/4th Battalion Hampshire Regiment sailed for India in December 1914 as part of 2/1st Hampshire Brigade in the 2nd Wessex Division and to France in May 1918. Here it formed part of the 186th Infantry Brigade of the 62nd Division.

Sold with research including the two earlier and original hand written recommendations for the Gallantry submitted by ‘B’ Company’s Captain; Captain L. H. Lane. The first recommendation, which is rather fragile is noted as ‘Copy’ at the top and gives the following:
‘2nd Lt Wheeler, Harold Frederick
During the attack this Officer was in charge of a platoon on the left flank of the battalion. He was held up by heavy machine gun and rifle fire. It was by skilful handling of his men that this machine gun nest was made to retire and allow the rest of the battalion to advance,. Later in the day he again showed great bravery in turning out a machine gun post which was troubling him. During the whole attack he was of the greatest assistance to myself.
(sgn) L. H. Lane Capt., O.C. B Coy 10.9.18’.

The second handwritten note by Captain Lane’s is the rare recommendation scribbled down on Captain Lane’s military notepad on 22nd October 1918:
‘2nd Lt H. F. Wheeler
On the morning of 20th at Solesmes this Officer was responsible for forming No.6 strongpoint. He met with considerable resistance and it was owing to his disregard for personal safety and danger, showing his initiative that his post was established and held. He was responsible for taking 65 prisoners and two machine guns and one trench mortar. By himself he entered a cellar containing 12 enemy and took the whole lot prisoner.
(sgn) L. H. Lane Capt., O.C. B Coy 22.9.18’.