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№ 231


14 September 2022

Hammer Price:

Pair: Private H. Kettlewell, West Yorkshire Regiment
British War and Victory Medals (201329 Pte. H. Kettlewell. W. Yorks. R.) contact marks, generally very fine

Pair: Second Lieutenant E. B. West, Wiltshire Regiment, late Devonshire Regiment
British War and Victory Medals (2. Lieut. E. B. West.) extremely fine

The British War Medal awarded to Private H. C. Spinner, 10th (Hackney Rifles) Battalion, London Regiment, late Rifle Brigade, who was killed in action on 7 September 1918
British War Medal 1914-20 (S-28007 Pte. H. C. Spinner. Rif. Brig.) minor edge bruise, good very fine

The Victory Medal awarded to Private S. Lindley, Grenadier Guards, who was killed in action on 31 July 1917
Victory Medal 1914-19 (27156 Pte. S. Lindley. G. Gds.) nearly extremely fine (6) £100-£140

Harry Kettlewell attested for the West Yorkshire Regiment on 20 July 1915. He saw service during the Great War and was discharged surplus to military requirements on 14 April 1919, and awarded a Silver War Badge, No. 3331100.

Edgar Burnett West was born in Colyton, Devon, on 17 November 1891 and attested for the Devonshire Regiment, serving with them during the Great War on the Western Front. Appointed Corporal, he was later commissioned as a Second Lieutenant into the Wiltshire Regiment. His Great War Medals were sent to him at Church Street, Sidmouth, Devon.

Henry Charles Spinner was born in Ubbeston, Suffolk and lived in St. John’s Wood, London. He attested for the Rifle Brigade, aged 34, on 14 November 1916 and served during the Great War on the Western Front from 25 January 1917. He was posted to the 2nd Battalion, 10th (Hackney Rifles) London Regiment on 29 August 1918 and was reported missing, later presumed killed in action, on 7 September 1918. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Vis-En-Artois Memorial, France.

Harry Lindley attested for the Grenadier Guards and served with the 2nd Battalion during the Great War on the Western Front. He was killed in action on 31 July 1917 during the Battle of Pilckem Ridge. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.