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№ 437


12 October 2022

Estimate: £4,000–£5,000

A Presentation Scroll given to Captain W. J. Symons, V.C.

A magnificent illuminated vellum presentation scroll set, ‘From the Citizens of Brunswick, Capt. William John Symons, V.C.’, presented to the latter by the dignitaries of Brunswick, Victoria, Australia, as as sign of appreciation and respect upon his celebrated homecoming, 13 May 1916, beautifully bound in full calf leather binding and exquisitely hand tooled in gilt and various other colouring, 440mm x 330mm, by Arhall & Jackson, 478 Collins St., Melbourne; together with a Menu from the Victory Day 8 June 1946 Dinner given to the holders of the Victoria Cross by the Directors of the News of The World at the Dorchester Hotel, London, this with a number of V.C. recipient’s signatures including Symonds himself and Charles Upham V.C. and Bar, the first very slightly bowed, but both in generally good condition (2) £4,000-£5,000

V.C. London Gazette 15 October 1915:
‘For most conspicuous bravery on the night of the 8-9 August, 1915, at Lone Pine trenches, in the Gallipoli Peninsula.
Lieutenant Symons was in command of the right section of the newly capture trenches held by his battalion, and repelled several counter-attacks with great coolness. At about 5am on 9 August a series of determined attacks were made by the enemy on an isolated sap, and six officers were in succession either killed or severely wounded, a portion of the sap being lost.
Lieutenant Symons then led a charge and retook the lost sap, shooting two Turks with his revolver. The sap was under hostile fire from three sides, and Lieutenant Symons withdrew some fifteen yards to a spot where some overhead cover could be obtained, and in the face of heavy fire built up a sand barricade. The enemy succeeded in setting fire to the fascines and woodwork of the head-cover, but Lieutenant Symons extinguished the fire and rebuilt the barricade.
His coolness and determination finally compelled the enemy to discontinue their attacks.’

William John Symons was one of seven Australians to be awarded the Victoria Cross at Lone Pine, and he was presented with his V.C. by H.M. the King at Buckingham Palace on 4 December 1915. His medal group is held by the Australian War Memorial, Canberra.

Sold with a copied photograph of the recipient as the Guest of Honour at an official ‘Welcome Home’ Dinner.