Lot Archive
Miscellaneous Tokens and Checks, STAFFORDSHIRE, Cannock, Amalgamated Association of Miners, Cannock Chase District, No.1, uniface brass, 31mm, Cannock Chase Miners Asso[ciatio]n, March 1913, rectangular bracteate brass, 34 x 24mm, Cannock Chase Miners, October 1914, uniface brass 6, 34 x 23mm, March 1915, uniface brass 7, 33 x 24mm, Cannock Chase Miners, November 1916, uniface triangular brass, 32 x 28mm, Cannock Miners Ass[ociatio]n, 1925, uniface brass, 26mm, Cannock Chase Miners E[nginemens] & S[urfacemens] Association, uniface aluminium, 28mm; Kidsgrove, Birchenwood Colliery Co Ltd, Surface, uniface hexagonal brass, 38mm, stamped No.4; Longton, Miners Federation, Lodge No.1, uniface octagonal brass, 24mm; Tunstall, Chatterley Iron Co (Ltd), copper, Chatterley Office, 43mm, unissued; Walsall, Pelsall Miners Association, 1910, bracteate brass, 39mm, Pelsall District Miners Assoc[iatio]n, October 1913, uniface brass, 27mm, uniface rectangular brass, 27 x 20mm; Wednesbury, The Patent Shaft & Axletree Co Ltd, Old Park Works, uniface brass, 39mm, stamped 1231; West Bromwich, W[est] B[romwich] Miners Association, uniface oval brass, 30 x 24mm; North Stafford District Miners Association, brass (2), No.2 and No.3, both 32mm, former stamped LL 4; North Stafford Miners Federation, June 1903, brass, 32mm; North Stafford Miners Federation, Enoch Edwards, 1912, brass, 38mm, North Stafford Miners Feder[atio]n, uniface brass, C centre, 30mm, uniface oval brass J, 35 x 23mm [21]. Generally about very fine, some better, several rare £200-£300
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