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14 February 2024

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A ‘Korea’ M.M. group of three awarded to Corporal C. W. H. Pelley, Royal Canadian Regiment

Military Medal, G.VI.R., 2nd issue (SN. 1051 Cpl. C. W. H. Pelley. R. Can. R.); Korea 1950-53, Canadian issue, silver, naming erased; U.N. Korea 1950-54 (SN 1051 C W H Pelley) contact marks, very fine (3) £1,000-£1,400

M.M. London Gazette, 7 April 1953.

The official Recommendation, dated 4 December 1952, states: ‘During the period 8 August to 2 November 1952, 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment occupied the Kowang San feature. Due to the dispersion of the companies over a wide area, including Hill 355, the maintenance of line communication was of utmost importance. Corporal Pelley was in charge of the line section. The frequent and prolonged enemy artillery and mortar fire continually destroyed line communications. At all hours and in all weather, he restored communications with a minimum of delay. On the 1/2 October when ‘A’ Company was subjected to a heavy concentration, this non- commissioned officer carried out his duties with utter disregard for his personal safety. He continued to maintain and lay line for the entire forty-eight hour period under shellfire. Due to his efforts, the period that line communications were disrupted was greatly reduced. During the battle of Kowang San, 21 to 24 October, this determined non-commissioned officer once again displayed great courage and leadership in line maintenance. Even though he had been warned of the intensity of shelling in one particular area, he, without hesitation, laid a line through the area to a company position. This courageous non- commissioned officer’s determination and fortitude was the contributing factor in sustaining a vital link throughout the battalion at a most critical time. His untiring efforts and determination have set an example for all ranks of his battalion.’

Cecil Wilbet Hoskin Pelley, a labourer from Peter’s Arm, Newfoundland, was born on 21 July 1928 and attested into the Royal Canadian Regiment, serving with the 1st Battalion in Korea.