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№ 119


10 April 2024

Hammer Price:

Three: Major-General James Gunter, 1st Dragoon Guards

Crimea 1854-56, 1 clasp, Sebastopol, unnamed as issued; Turkish Crimea 1855, Sardinian issue, a contemporary tailor’s copy; China 1857-60, 2 clasps, Taku Forts 1860, Pekin 1860 (Capt. Jas. Gunter, 1st Dragn. Gds.) officially impressed naming, the last fitted with silver ribbon buckle, very fine (3) £600-£800

James Gunter was born on 5 December 1833, younger son of Robert Gunter, of Earl’s Court, London. He entered the Army in 1853, and served as a subaltern with the 1st Dragoon Guards in the Crimean campaign in 1855. He was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol and received the medal with clasp, and the Turkish medal. As Captain, he served in the China war of 1860 and was present at the action of Sinho and the fall of the Taku Forts, and took part in the advance on Peking, receiving the medal with two clasps. During the war he was instrumental in saving the life of a brother officer, Lieutenant Luard, and, in recognition of his gallantry was presented with a sword. He was promoted Major in 1868, Lieutenant-Colonel in 1877, and Colonel in 1881, and retired from the Army with the honorary rank of Major-General in March 1887. Major-General Gunter died on 29 August 1908.