Lot Archive


№ 559


9 December 1999

Hammer Price:

U.S.S.R., Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class, silver and gold concave type, the reverse numbered ‘313783’, extremely fine and an interesting award to a front line journalist £80-120

Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class (No. 313783) awarded by order of the Commander of the 2nd Breakthrough Army, 20 April 1945, to Captain Sergei Sergeyevitch Narovchatov. This officer served as Captain Instructor and Organiser of the Red Army battlefront newspaper Otvazhnivoin (Bold Soldier). He was born in Russia in 1919.

Served as a Captain journalist, organiser and political officer from August 1942. He showed himself to be a brave officer, a fighting journalist and an experienced political officer. During the battle to attack the enemy defences in the region of the River Narev, East Prussia, he at all times took part in the fighting action of the unit. He also produced lively material for the Red Army newspaper
Otvazhnivoin and organised around the newspaper an active military corps. He served actively in the battles for the towns of Pultusk, Marienburg, Elbing, Graudzendz and Danzig. When the enemy mounted a heavy counter-attack on 30th-31st January 1945, against units of the 5th Company of the 97th Regiment, 326 Division, Comrade Captain Narovchatov together with other members of the political section organised a successful counter-attack. He was an active military and political writer and his work was read with great interest by the soldiers, thus helping them to fulfill their tasks. Sold with citation from the Moscow Military Archives and English translation.