Lot Archive


№ 122


2 April 2003

Hammer Price:

Volunteer Force Long Service, V.R. (4302 C. Sjt. W. A. Martin, 7/Middx. V.R.C.) very fine £40-60

William Alexander “Willie” Martin was already a long served member of the London Scottish when he became a Staff Colour-Sergeant (Recruiting) in September 1914. In the same month he also undertook the duties of Provost Sergeant to the Reserve Battalion, and two months later he was appointed an Acting Subaltern. Martin appears to have been serving as a Lieutenant & Quarter-Master when ill-health finally forced his retirement in early 1917, a glowing appreciation of his career afterwards appearing in The London Scottish Gazette, an appreciation that concluded:

‘Lieutenant Martin not only worked heart and soul for the “Scottish”, but also for the Army as a whole. He has been more than once complimented by the higher authorities, yet anyone who met Willie Martin must know that no compliment or commendation will make up for his severance from the Regiment and the loss of privilege to wear the Hodden Grey.’