Auction Catalogue
The Halton Rifles Regiment of Canadian Militia, a white metal and a silver plate cast glengarry badges 1920-31 KC over a similar design to that of 1902-14 but omitting the ‘20’ a pair of relevant white metal collar badges; a fine heavy die-stamped gilding metal glengarry badge for the ensuing Lorne Rifles (Scottish) 1931-36, together with two pairs of relevant collar badges brass and gilding metal; a fine quality blackened cast silver plate bonnet badge for the Lorne Rifles (Scottish) KC over maple sprays enclosing a dotted circle in the centre a thistle sprays and at the base a scroll ‘Lorne Rifles’; a pair of die-stamped bronze lions head collar badges and two pairs of demi-eagle collar badges in gilding metal, good overall condition (16) £60-80
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