Auction Report
Gross Total £199,505 (£239,406 including buyers' premium)
Number of lots 728
Exchange rate of the GB pound US $1.52 and €1.39
Principal Lots
Lot no.
364-510 World Paper Money, the property of a Gentleman, £70,690 (£84,828)
418 Libya, United Kingdom, Half-Pound, 24 October 1951, £7,500 (£9,000)
18 Treasury Bill for One Million Pounds, 8 September 2003, £6,000 (£7,200)
19 Treasury Bill for Ten Million Pounds, 8 September 2003, £6,000 (£7,200)
208 Scotland, Paisley Commercial Banking Co, £1, 18 April 1839, £5,000 (£6,000)
307 Ireland, Royal Bank of Ireland Ltd, £10, 6 May 1929, £4,600 (£5,520)
450 Pakistan, Haj Pilgrim issue, 10 Rupees, 1951, £4,000 (£4,800)
Saleroom Notice
The following was an amendment to the printed catalogue descriptions
451 The second note is withdrawn from the lot
The following lots were withdrawn before the auction:
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