Auction Catalogue

12 June 1991

Starting at 1:30 PM


Orders, Decorations and Medals

The Westbury Hotel  37 Conduit Street  London  W1S 2YF


№ 376


12 June 1991

Hammer Price:

Six: Corporal J. T. Pritchard, Royal Tank Regiment.

MILITARY MEDAL, G.VI.R.; 1939-45 STAR; AFRICA STAR; ITALY STAR; DEFENCE and WAR MEDALS; together with a silver boxing medal won at Catterick Garrison, good very fine (7)

M.M., London Gazette 19 July, 1945. The following citation is taken from the official recommendation for the award of an immediate M.M.:- 'On 20 April 45 during the crossing of the TIDICE 066570, Cpl. Pritchard was the tank Commander of a troop of tanks supporting a Coy. of infantry on the right. The troop had been ordered to support the infantry into the flood banks at all costs. The tanks closed to within a few yards of the enemy positions, but owing to an anti-tank ditch at the base of the flood bank, and the softness of the ground, the troop leader's tank became bogged. At this time the shelling in this area was intense and spandau fire extremely heavy. However, in spite of this, Cpl. Pritchard climbed out of his tank to assist the troop leader to fix a tow rope. Whilst this was being done the front bogies of the troop leader's tank were blown off and just after he had clambered back into his tank a shell landed between the two tanks, just where he had been standing. The troop leader's tank was safely extricated. Seeing two other tanks also bogged Cpl. Pritchard proceeded to their assistance and, quite undaunted by his previous narrow escape, climbed out of his tank once again and fixed the two ropes, successfully extricating both tanks. All this time shell and spandau fire was intense. There is no doubt that but for the coolness and courage of this N.C.O. it is unlikely that these tanks would have been successfully extricated or their crews returned alive from the floodbanks. By his actions these tanks were also able to continue their role of supporting the infantry.'