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21 March 1995
Starting at 10:30 AM
The Charing Cross Hotel The Strand London WC2N 5HX
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364 lots found
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Cnut (1016-1035), Quatrefoil type, Æthelwine, Southwark, æDELPiN ON SVDG,...
Hammer Price:£70
Cnut (1016-1035), Quatrefoil type, Brunstan, Stamford, BRVNSTAN SAN,...
Hammer Price:£110
Cnut (1016-1035), Quatrefoil type, Ælfwine, Thetford, ælfpine m:o deo,...
Hammer Price:£210
Cnut (1016-1035), Quatrefoil type, Siboda, Winchester, SIBODA ON PINCST,...
Hammer Price:£140
Cnut (1016-1035), Quatrefoil type, Cetel, York, CETEL O EOFRP, ‘York m’...
Hammer Price:£150
Cnut (1016-1035), Quatrefoil type, diademed bust, Isegod, Exeter, ISEGOD ON...
Hammer Price:£270
Cnut (1016-1035), Quatrefoil type, diademed bust, Leofsige, Gloucester,...
Hammer Price:£130
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Grim, Cambridge, GRiM ON GRATBRI,...
Hammer Price:£290
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Leofnoth, Canterbury, LEOFNOD ON CEN,...
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Wulfwine, Colchester, PVLFpINE :ON...
Hammer Price:£330
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Cinsige, Dover, CINSIGE ON DOFR, 0.94...
Hammer Price:£170
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Eadsige, Hastings, ETSIGE ON HæSTIN,...
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Eadnoth, Huntington, eadnod o hvnte,...
Hammer Price:£240
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Lifinc, lpswich, LIIFINC ON GIPESP,...
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Sumerletha, Lincoln, SVMERLIDA MO...
Hammer Price:£95
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Wulfwine, London, PVLFPiNE ON LVN,...
Hammer Price:£120
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Hwateman, Norwich, HATAMAN ON NOR,...
Hammer Price:£200
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Godwine, Oxford, GODPINE ON OCXEN,...
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Ægelric, Southwark, æLRIC ON SVDge,...
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Thurstan, Stamford, DVRSTAN ON STAN,...
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Ælfwine, Thetford, æLFPiNE ON...
Hammer Price:£220
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Ælfwine, Totnes, æl·PINE ON TOTTA,...
Cnut (1016-1035), Pointed Helmet type, Witherin, York, PIDRIN M-O EOFR, 1.03...
Hammer Price:£390
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Æthelstan, Bath, æDESTAN ON BAD, 1.16...
Hammer Price:£160
Cnut (1016-1035), Small Cross type, Wulfwine, Canterbury, PVLFPI ON CENTP,...
Hammer Price:£260
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Leofwine, Chester, LEOFPiNE ON LEGiI,...
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Wulfwine, Colchester, PVLFPiNE ON...
Hammer Price:£370
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Eadsige Ware, Exeter, EDSIGEPARE ON EC,...
Hammer Price:£180
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Lifinc, Hertford, LIFiNC ON HEOR˙T,...
Hammer Price:£300
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Ælfgar, Huntingdon, æLF˙GAR ON HVNT,...
Hammer Price:£320
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Swetinc, Lincoln, SPERTINC ON LIN, 1.18...
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Goda, London, GOD ON LVNDEN, 0.97 gms....
Hammer Price:£75
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Hunna, Malmesbury, HVNA ON MEaLM, 1.12...
Hammer Price:£100
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Leofwine, Northampton, LEOFPiNE ON NHA,...
Hammer Price:£2,000
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Manna, Norwich, MANNA ON NORDP, 1.12...
Cnut (1016-1035), Short cross type, Eadwig, Oxford, EDPiG ONO OcXEN, 1.13...
Cnut (1016-1035), Short Cross type, Ælfheh, Rochester, æLFFEh ON ROFeC,...
Hammer Price:£250
Cnut (1016-1035), Short Cross type, Leofdægn, Stamford, LEOFDæN ON STA,...
Hammer Price:£310
Cnut (1016-1035), Short Cross type, Widia, Steyning, PiDiiA ON STæNiI, 0.99...
Cnut (1016-1035), Short Cross type, Wineman, Thetford, PiNEMAN ON DEO, 1.14...
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