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21 March 1995
Starting at 10:30 AM
The Charing Cross Hotel The Strand London WC2N 5HX
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364 lots found
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Cnut (1016-1035), Short Cross type, Ælfstan, Wilton, æLFSTAN ON PIL, 0.96...
Hammer Price:£110
Cnut (1016-1035), Short Cross type, Leodmær, Winchester, L˙EODMæR ON...
Hammer Price:£210
Cnut (1016-1035), Short Cross type, Ucede, York, VCEDE ONN EOFER, 1.14 gms....
Hammer Price:£170
Cnut (1016-1035), Jewel cross type, Osget, Cambridge, oSGET ON GRANTEb, 1.17...
Hammer Price:£120
Harthacnut (1035-1042), Harthacnut (1035-1042), Arm and Sceptre type,...
Hammer Price:£1,550
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I (1035-1040), Jewel cross type, Othbern,...
Hammer Price:£950
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Jewel cross type, Ælfric, London, æLFRiC...
Hammer Price:£190
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Jewel cross type, Ægelmaer, Thetford,...
Hammer Price:£320
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Jewel Cross type, Beorn, York, BEORN ONo...
Hammer Price:£520
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Long Cross and Fleur-de-lis type, Ælfwerd,...
Hammer Price:£260
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Long Cross and Fleur-de-lis type, Hwateman,...
Hammer Price:£150
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Long Cross and Fleur-de-lis type, Edwine,...
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Long Cross and Fleur-de-lis type, Leofwine,...
Hammer Price:£580
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Long Cross and Fleur-de-lis type, Wulfnoth,...
Hammer Price:£620
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Long Cross and Fleur-de-lis type, Leofred,...
Hammer Price:£750
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Long Cross and Fleur-de-lis type, Manna,...
Hammer Price:£270
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Long Cross and Fleur-de-lis type, Brunstan,...
Hammer Price:£310
Harold I (1035-1040), Harold I, Long Cross and Fleur-de-lis type, Ælfwine,...
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), PACX...
Hammer Price:£410
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor, PACX type, Ringwulf,...
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor, PACX type, short...
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor, Radiate type,...
Hammer Price:£180
Hammer Price:£55
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor, Radiate type, Scula,...
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor, Trefoil...
Hammer Price:£430
Hammer Price:£90
Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Edward the Confessor, Small flan type,...
Hammer Price:£130
Hammer Price:£300
Hammer Price:£220
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