Auction Catalogue

11 June 1996

Starting at 11:30 AM


Orders, Decorations and Medals

The Westbury Hotel  37 Conduit Street  London  W1S 2YF


№ 459


11 June 1996

Hammer Price:

A Second World War Burma campaign M.M. group of five awarded to Lance-Naik Mohammed Sadiq, Royal Indian Army Service Corps
Military Medal, G.VI.R. (781396 L-Nk., RIASC); 1939-45 Star; Burma Star; Defence and War Medals, very fine (5)

M.M. London Gazette 22 March, 1945.
‘On the morning of 18th November 1944, L/Nk. Mohammed Sadiq was one of a mule-column returning from the forward companies of a battalion which had been cut off. Owing to an enemy road block the column had to find its way back by a circuitous route through thick jungle. The column was ambushed while crossing a chaung. A driver a short way ahead of this N.C.O. was killed and fell with the reins of his leading mule looped on his arm. The L/Naik immediately tethered his own mules behind cover and crawled forward under heavy fire from four enemy L.M.G.s, released the mules from the dead driver and returned with them to his own two mules. He then reported to his Naik and rejoined the reformed column with the four mules. Later in the day on the road, the returning column was heavily shelled and casualties among mules and drivers were sustained. This N.C.O., without thinking of his own safety, succeeded in catching four mules whose drivers had become casualties, tied them to his four mules, and brought the eight back to safety in the Mule Company area. By his action he saved a number of mules, which were in short supply, and set a fine example.’