Auction Catalogue

25 March 1997

Starting at 2:00 PM


Orders, Decorations and Medals

The Westbury Hotel  37 Conduit Street  London  W1S 2YF


№ 678


25 March 1997

Hammer Price:

A fine North West Europe D.C.M. group of six awarded to Sergeant Robert Millroy, 15th Reconnaissance Regiment

Distinguished Conduct Medal, G.VI.R. (405489 Sjt. R. Millroy, Recce. C.); 1939-45 Star; France and Germany Star; Defence and War Medals; Imperial Service Medal, E.II.R. (Robert Millroy) nearly extremely fine (6)

D.C.M. London Gazette 1 March 1945.

‘When operating in the area of the River Mass on November 26th (1944), he was the commander of the leading car in a patrol sent towards the river Swolgen. In approaching some farm buildings east of Swolgen the car was damaged by fire from machine-guns and Bazookas. Although the car was out of action, Sergt. Millroy remained in it and engaged the enemy with his Bren gun until all the opposing positions were located. Ascertaining that there were two enemy positions covering the road, Sergt. Millroy, with total disregard for his own safety, then dismounted from his car and under a hail of fire rushed one of the enemy positions, destroying it with three grenades. He then returned to his car, took his Bren gun and advanced on foot to engage the second enemy position. This he did with such good effect that an infantry patrol which was following up the patrol was able to get round behind and capture those holding it without suffering casualties.’