Auction Report
Gross Total: £253,280 (£303,936 including buyers' premium)
Number of lots: 354
Exchange rate of the GB pound: US $1.41 and €1.14
Principal Lots
Lot no.
286-306. The Personal Archive of Louis Osman, £55,530 (£66,636)
305. A 22ct gold model commemorating the Apollo Moon Landing, 1969, by Malcolm Appleby and Osman, £22,000 (£26,400)
250. An early Victorian silver-gilt coronet by Garrard, the gift of the Duke of Wellington to Lady Mary Jervis, £7,500 (£9,000)
295. An openwork silver and enamel ring by Osman, £7,000 (£8,400)
242. A gold and white enamel quatrefoil brooch by Castellani, c. 1855, £6,000 (£7,200)
293. Material relating to the making of the crown for the Investiture of the Prince of Wales, 1969, by Osman, £5,500 (£6,600)
170. A gold memorial ring for Sir Walter Scott, £4,800 (£5,760)
297. A porcelain bowl on a silver stand by Lucie Rie and Osman, £4,800 (£5,760)
Saleroom Notices
The following were amendments to the printed catalogue descriptions:
Withdrawn Lots
The following lots were withdrawn before the auction:
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