Auction Catalogue
A rare post-war G.M. awarded to Lieutenant W. J. Roberts, Federation of Malaya Police Force, for his gallantry during a terrorist ambush
George Medal, G.VI.R., 2nd issue (William J. Roberts), good very fine £2,400-£2,800
G.M. London Gazette 23 September 1952:
‘Police Lieutenant Roberts took charge of a Division after his predecessor had been ambushed and killed by bandits.
While travelling with two companions in a jeep on the Chan Wing Estate the vehicle was halted by the explosion of a land mine and fire was opened at very close range by about twenty bandits. The occupants got out of the jeep under covering fire given by Police Lieutenant Roberts but during the ensuing fight at close quarters the two passengers were killed.
Roberts fought back single-handed with his carbine and wounded two of the bandits. He was himself wounded in the thigh but continued to fight on until his ammunition was exhausted. He then ran back under fire to an armoured vehicle which was about 300 yards down the road, rallied the Special Constables who had not been in a position to give him support, and put down fire on the bandit position. After a short fight the bandits withdrew, but during the latter action a Special Constable was wounded.
Police Lieutenant Roberts displayed outstanding courage in engaging a number of bandits single-handed and fine leadership in driving off a bandit force superior in numbers.’
The Chan Wing Estate was located at Bekok, in Segamat, Johore.
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