Auction Catalogue
17th Century Tokens, LONDON (City), Billingsgate, R[ichard] M[oss], Farthing, 0.93g/12h (N 6560; BW. 201); Bishopsgate Street, E[dward] D[rayton], Farthing, 1.30g/6h (N 6585; BW. 228), Edw. Nourse, Farthing, 1666, 8.40g/12h (N 6592; BW. 247); Bishopsgate Without, R.K.S. at the movth tavern, Farthing, 0.67g/6h (N 6649, this piece; BW. 323); Chancery Lane, T[homas] K[ent], Farthing, 1.08g/6h (N 6749; BW. 510); Cheapside, Edward Attwood, Farthing, 0.99g/12h (N –; BW. 572), T[homas] B[enson], Farthing, 1650, 0.90g/6h (N 6760; BW. 573), T[homas] C[oates], Farthing, 1650, 0.89g/6h (N 6762; BW. 575), T[homas] D[udley], Farthing, 0.91g/6h (N 6767; BW. 579), George Peirce, Farthing, 1665, 0.634g/12h (N 6756; BW. 594); Half Moon Court, W.H.B. at the halfe moon, Farthing, 1648, 1.06g/6h (N –; BW. 588) [11]. N 6649 fine, others in varied state; several issuers mentioned in Pepys’ Diary
Provenance: N 6585 bt N.A. Clark September 1996; N 6592 bt J.N. Holman February 1999; N 6649 R.A. Nott Collection, Norweb Collection, Spink Auction 195, 26 June 2008, lot 270 (part); N 6749 bt N.A. Clark July 1996; N 6760 R.A. Nott Collection, Norweb Collection, B. Bird Collection, Spink Auction 35, 11 April 1984, lot 287 (part), bt Seaby June 1984; N 6756 bt M. Vosper January 1992; BW. 572 bt N.A. Clark August 1996; BW. 588 bt M. Vosper
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