Auction Catalogue
17th Century Tokens, LONDON (City), New Fish Street, T.V. at ye grashoper, Farthing, 0.73g/3h (N –; BW. 2016); Old Change, N.I.B. at the willow tree, Farthing, 1.06g/6h (N 7444; BW. 2127); Pudding Lane, B[rian] A[ppleby], Farthing, 1657, 0.50g/6h (N 7487; BW. 2283); Queenhithe, Barthollomew Fish, Halfpenny, 1667, 1.89g/3h (N 7524; BW. 2303); St Anne’s Lane [Aldersgate], B.E.W. at ye syne of ye meare maid, Farthing, 0.78g/6h (N –; BW. 2449); Seething Lane, William Vaston, Farthings (2), both 0.82g/6h (both N 7647; BW. 2762); Thames Street, F.E.R., the lyon and key, Farthing, 1651, 1.15g/12h (N –; BW. 3118); West Smithfield, Tho. White, Halfpenny, 2.43g/8h (N 7805; BW. 2884) [9]. Generally fair to fine £70-£90
Provenance: N 7444 bt N.A. Clark August 1998; one N 7647 bt J.N. Holman July 1999, other bt R. Gladdle March 2000; N 7487 bt S.H. Monks October 2017; BW. 2016 bt N.A. Clark; BW. 2449 bt N.A. Clark September 1997; BW. 3118 bt N.A. Clark June 1998
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