Auction Catalogue
Royal Tyrone Regiment, Loyal Orange Association Interest, a rag paper printed certificate of 1809 with additional hand written details, these shown in italics, ‘God Save King George the 3d’ We the Master, Deputy Master, and Secretary of No 134 Loyal Orange Association, Royal Tyrone Regiment, do hereby certify that Brother William Haus Has received the regular degrees of an Orange and Purple Man in the above No. and during his stay with us behaved himself as becoming a worthy Brother;-- and as such we recommend him worthy to be admitted into all such Societies round the Globe. Given Under Our Hands and Seal of Our Lodge at A??bert this twelth day of April 1809. / Robert T???nery Master/ Daniel Armstrong Deputy Master/ Andrew Frazer Secretary’. White and blue silk ribbon to the left margin seals missing, top margin probably trimmed, stained overall but generally good condition for age £50-70
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