Auction Catalogue

21 February 2024

Starting at 10:00 AM


British Trade Tokens, Tickets and Passes

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№ 445


21 February 2024

Hammer Price:

18th Century Tokens, WARWICKSHIRE, Birmingham, James Bisset, Halfpenny, with pictures, 10.09g/6h (DH 120), Thomas Wyon, Penny, 1796, 25.42g/12h (DH 25), Coventry, Kempson’s Churches, Halfpenny, Trinity Church, 14.11g/6h (DH 265); together with other Halfpence, etc (19), viz. Nottinghamshire 8, Staffordshire 27, Warwickshire 47, 49, 50 (2), 71a, 75c, 88, 104a, 116, 219, 220, 242b, 481a, 482, Wilkinson series 339, 449, and a modern copy by Osborne [22]. First three about extremely fine, others generally fine

Warwickshire 49 bt Spink; one Warwickshire 50 and last bt P. Flanagan