Auction Catalogue
[Edinburgh] Revolution Club, 1775, an engraved silver medal or pass, unsigned, equestrian figure of William III, william the glorious revolution 1688, rev. unanimity, stability & freedom, revolution club 1775, anchor, clasped hands, pole and Liberty cap, 32mm, 9.32g (D&W –; Woolf –; MI II, –; E –; Brodie –). Of fine workmanship, good very fine with original suspender, apparently excessively rare; seemingly unpublished in the main references and collections £400-£600
This lot was sold as part of a special collection, A Collection of British Historical Medals, the Property of a Gentleman.
The vendor’s envelope states ‘Revolution Club Medal, 1775, supposed to relate to the Edinburgh club of that name’. A relatively common medal is known for the Edinburgh club, dated 1753 (Woolf 66:1; MI II, 672/384; E 640; Brodie 240). Some recent research has found the following advertisement in the Caledonian Mercury for 13 November 1775. ‘On Wednesday next, the 15th current, the Revolution Club is to meet in the house of Charles Walker, Vintner, in Writers’ Court at six in the evening in commemoration of our happy deliverance from Popery and slavery by King William and Queen Mary of glorious and immortal memory... It is expected all members in or near town will attend. The Committee are desired to meet in John’s Coffeehouse, same day, at 12 o’clock noon, for the admission of new members’. Writers’ Court is off High Street not far from Edinburgh Castle. John’s Coffee House was nearby in Parliament Close (now Parliament Square) by St Giles’ Cathedral.
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