Auction Catalogue

14 February 2024

Starting at 10:00 AM


Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria

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№ 360


14 February 2024

Hammer Price:

Three: Private A. W. Miller, Royal Marines Light Infantry
1914-15 Star (CH. 11241 Pte. A. W. Miller. R.M.L.I.); British War and Victory Medals (CH. 11241 Pte. A. W. Miller. R.M.L.I.) very fine

Three: Private E. Addicott, Royal Fusiliers
1914-15 Star (10394 Pte. E. Addicott, R. Fus.); British War and Victory Medals (10394 Pte. E. Addicott, R. Fus.) very fine

Pair: Private J. Paramore, Royal Army Medical Corps
1914-15 Star (57905 Pte. J. Paramore, R.A.M.C.), Victory Medal 1914-19 (57905 Pte. J.Paramore. R.A.M.C.) nearly very fine,

British War Medal 1914-20 (26607 Pte. H. J. Bowmer. G. Gds.) nearly very fine (9) £80-£100

Arthur William Miller, a carpenter from Baltonsborough, Glastonbury, Somerset, was born on 1 May 1877. He attested into the Royal Marines Light Infantry on 6 June 1895, and later served during the Great War in H.M.S. Rainbow and H.M.S. Niobe, before being discharged at the end of hostilities on 20 May 1919.

Ernest Addicott, a carter from North Petherton, Somerset, was born in 1890. He attested into the Royal Fusiliers in January 1915, for service during the Great War and served at Gallipoli with the 2nd Battalion from 24 October 1915. Hospitalised the following January in Egypt with bronchitis, he was further hospitalised with influenza and pleurisy in France before returning Home, where he spent the rest of the War in hospital until his discharge in January 1919. He later died in 1971.

Sold with copied research, British Legion and Royal Observer Corps badges, and an original photograph of Addicott in uniform.