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15 May 2024

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№ 184


15 May 2024

Hammer Price:

A Great War ‘Western Front, August 1918’ D.C.M. and M.M. group of four awarded to Sergeant Leslie Symons, 18th Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle Corps

Distinguished Conduct Medal, G.V.R. (C-7504 Sjt: L. Symons. M.M. 18/K.R. Rif: C.); Military Medal, G.V.R. (C-7504 Sjt: L. Symons. 18/K.R. Rif: C.); British War and Victory Medals (C-7504 Sjt. L. Symons. K.R. Rif. C.) mounted on card for display, very fine (4) £1,800-£2,200

D.C.M. London Gazette 30 October 1918:

‘C/7504 Sjt. L. Symons, M.M., K.R.R.C. (Penzance).
For conspicuous gallantry during an attack which was heavily pressed by the enemy, some of whom actually succeeded in entering the trench of his post. He eventually beat off the enemy. He was gassed and wounded, but continued firing at a machine gun that was enfilading his post. He set a splendid example to his men.’
Annotated gazette states: ‘N. Kemmel. 11 August 1918.’

M.M. London Gazette 13 November 1918. War Diary confirms award also for August 1918.

Leslie Symons was a native of Penzance, Cornwall. The following report was published in the Cornishman & Cornish Telegraph on 20 November 1918:

‘West Cornwall News - Penzance
Sergt. L. Symons, King’s Royal Rifles (son of Mr J. F. Symons of 24 Leskinnick Terrace, Penzance) who was awarded the D.C.M. and M.M. has received the following letter from the Colonel of the battalion to which he was attached prior to proceeding overseas: “I have only just heard that you have won both the Military Medal and the Distinguished Conduct Medal. It is a record to be proud of and I congratulate you on the gallant conduct which well deserved this recognition. I always admired your repeated attempts to get to France while under age; and am very glad that you have so fully justified the belief that you would be a credit to your regiment overseas. I hope your wound is better and that you will soon be restored to health to enjoy the peace you have helped us win.”’

Sold with copied research including gazette notices, D.C.M., M.M. and Medal Index Cards, and extracts form the Battalion War Diary for August 1918.