Special Collections

Sold between 1 October & 8 February 2023

2 parts


The Puddester Collection

Robert and Norma Puddester

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№ 851


9 February 2023

Hammer Price:

East India Company, Bengal Presidency, European Minting, Soho, copper Pattern Pie, 1809, unsigned [by J. Phillp], Company arms, ausp : regis & senat : angliæ [By the authority of the King and Parliament of England] on ribbon, one pie above, date below, rev. yek pai sikka [one pai sikka] around ek pai sikka/ek pai sikka [one pai sikka], borders of larger beads, from the same dies as previous, thin flan, edge plain, 27.5mm, 7.52g/6h (Prid. 389 [Sale, lot 693]; Stevens 10.14; KM. Pn24b). Brilliant and virtually as struck, very rare [certified and graded NGC PF 63 RD] £900-£1,200

This item has been graded by NGC and has been awarded grade PF63RD.

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This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Puddester Collection.

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R.J. Ford (Detroit, MI) Collection
SNC (London) November 1979 (10413), ticket.

Owner’s ticket