Special Collections

Sold between 1 October & 8 February 2023

2 parts


The Puddester Collection

Robert and Norma Puddester

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№ 434


8 February 2023

Hammer Price:

East India Company, Bombay Presidency, European Minting, 1791-4, Soho, gilt-copper Proof Half-Pice or 2 Reas, 1794, type I, balemark, rev. scales with short delicate pivot and round loop, no witness mark in field, adil [Justice] between pans, edge grained right, 3.42g/6h (Prid. 140 [Sale, lot 480]; Stevens 8.52; KM. 192a). Test mark on obverse, otherwise about extremely fine and extremely rare, one specimen (British Museum) in Snartt survey and only two others noted in commerce in the last 20 years £300-£400

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Puddester Collection.

View The Puddester Collection


SNC (London) November 1980 (9371), ticket.

Owner’s ticket