Special Collections

Sold between 1 October & 8 February 2023

2 parts


The Puddester Collection

Robert and Norma Puddester

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№ 104


8 February 2023

Hammer Price:

East India Company, Madras Presidency, Reformation 1807-18, silver Double Fanams, first issue (3), type H/V, double · fanam ·:· around do falam [Double fanam], no inner circle, rev. irantu panam [Two Fanams], no inner circle, renddu · rukalu ·:· [Two fanams] around, legend correctly positioned, 1.66g/12h (Prid. 161 [Sale, lot 367]; Stevens 3.83; KM. 339); type D/III, similar, but f and as in fanam misformed, inner circles both sides, reads renddu rukalu, no punctuation, 1.76g/3h (Prid. 162 var. [Sale, lot 367]; Stevens 3.78; KM. 340); type A/III, similar, reads double · fanam ·, inner circles both sides, no punctuation on rev., 1.79g/12h (Prid. 163 [not in Sale]; Stevens 3.70, this coin cited; KM. 340) [3]. Second fine, others good fine £80-£100

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Puddester Collection.

View The Puddester Collection


Second bt R. Weir (Unionville, ONT)

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