Special Collections

Sold between 1 October & 8 February 2023

2 parts


The Puddester Collection

Robert and Norma Puddester

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№ 263


8 February 2023

Hammer Price:

East India Company, Madras Presidency, Northern Circars: Native style coinages, Machhlipatan, copper Dubs (3), 1201h, yr 27 [1786-7], sanah julus mubarak 1201 [Auspicious year of accession 1201], rev. zarb bandar machhlipatan sanat 27 mubarak [Struck at the port of Machhlipatan in the 27th auspicious year of his reign], 13.78g/3h (Prid. 301 [Sale, lot 423]; Stevens 5.67; KM. 386 [date not listed]); 1213h, yr 39 [1798-9], sanah julus mubarak 1213 [Auspicious year of accession 1213], rev. zarb bandar machhlipatan sanat 39 mubarak [Struck at the port of Machhlipatan in the 39th auspicious year of his reign], 13.28g/6h (Prid. 301 [not in Sale]; Stevens 5.70; KM. 386); 1214h, yr 40 [1799-1800], sanah julus mubarak 1214 [Auspicious year of accession 1214], rev. zarb bandar machhlipatan sanat 40 mubarak [Struck at the port of Machhlipatan in the 40th auspicious year of his reign], 13.49g/8h (Prid. 301 [not in Sale]; Stevens 5.72; KM. 386) [3]. First very fine and on an irregular oblong-shaped flan, others fine, last with flan flaw, all rare £80-£100

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Puddester Collection.

View The Puddester Collection


First F. Pridmore Collection, Part II, Glendining Auction (London), 18-19 October 1982, lot 423 [from K. Wiggins December 1973],
Second bt Spink (London), envelope
Third SNC (London) October 1980 (8609), ticket.