Special Collections

Sold between 1 October & 8 February 2023

2 parts


The Puddester Collection

Robert and Norma Puddester

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№ 1615


2 October 2024

Hammer Price:

The Uniform Coinage of India, British Imperial Period, George VI, nickel-brass lozenge-shaped Half-Annas (6), all 1942, Bombay, crowned bust left, george vi king emperor, revs. india above 1/2 anna and date within decorative rectangle, du'i ṭukarā rendu mukkalu bē ṭukadō kaeli dekak [Two Pice] in angles, edges plain, 2.96g/12h, 2.94g/12h, 2.90g/12h, 2.90g/12h, 2.90g/12h, 2.89g/12h (Prid. 990 [Sale, lot 184]; SW 9.199; KM. 534b1); cupro-nickel lozenge-shaped Half-Anna, 1946, Bombay, similar, but beads centred in dashes flanking date, edge plain, 2.91g/12h (Prid. 992 [Sale, lot 184]; SW 9.211; KM. 535.1) [7]. Brilliant mint state £25-£35

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Puddester Collection.

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First and seventh Sir John Wheeler Collection, Baldwin Auction 22 (London), 2 May 2000, lot 321 (part).

Four owner’s envelopes