Special Collections

Sold on 8 March 2023

1 part


The Steve Clarke Collection of Roman Coins

Steve Clarke

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№ 251


8 March 2023

Hammer Price:

Roman Republican Coinage, L. Rubrius Dossenus, Denarius, c. 87, helmeted bust of Minerva right, dos behind, rev. triumphal quadriga right, thunderbolt on side-panel of carriage, Victory in biga above, l rvbr[i] in exergue, 4.16g; Quinarius, bust of Neptune right, trident and dossen behind, rev. Victory walking right, altar before, l rvbri behind, 1.58g (Craw. 348/3-4; RSC Rubria 3-4) [2]. Good fine and fine £80-£100

This lot was sold as part of a special collection, The Steve Clarke Collection of Roman Coins.

View The Steve Clarke Collection of Roman Coins
