Special Collections

Sold on 19 September 2023

1 part


The Neil Beaton Collection of Scottish Co-Operative Society Tokens

Neil Beaton

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№ 1186


20 September 2023

Hammer Price:

CLACKMANNANSHIRE, Clackmannan, Clackmannan CSL, Pennies (2, different), Fleshing Threepence, Sixpence and Shilling, Grocery Dept Penny, Threepence, Sixpence and Shilling (R 2, 12, 21, 22, 23, 25-8); Coalsnaughton, Coalsnaughton CSL, Halfpenny and Threepence (R 1, 3); Menstrie, Menstrie CSL, Shilling, Pound and Halfpenny (R 6, 10, 12); Newtonshaw, Newtonshaw CSL, Milk Halfpenny, Milk Penny, Bread Penny (R 11, 12, 14), The Newtonshaw CS, Beef Halfpenny, Penny, Sixpence, Shilling and Halfcrown (R 20, 21, [24, 25, 26]) [22]. Newtonshaw Milk extremely fine, others fine to very fine, some very rare £100-£150

Clackmannan 2, 12, 21 and 22, all Coalsnaughton and Menstrie, Newtonshaw 11 and 12 A.T. Macmillan Collection, bt April 2015 [Clackmannan 2, Newtonshaw 11 and 12 ex Vorley, 22, both Coalsnaughton and Menstrie 10 ex Brodie, Menstrie 11 ex Rains]; Clackmannan 23, 25-8 D.R. Rains Collection, bt October 2008